Monday, April 6, 2015

Our Easter Weekend (and April Adventure) and My Easter Outfit

We had a wonderful Easter weekend, and I hope you did too!  This year, we decided that since my husband did not have to teach Sunday School, and I was not scheduled to sing, that we would take advantage of our freedom and skip town…thus making it our April Adventure!  We booked a hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, our hometown, and got tickets to an Easter Musical at our old church, Oak Creek Assembly of God.  My husband grew up in this church, and we met each other there, fell in love, and dedicated both our children in this church.  It was a mid-size church when we attended there, but has since grown into a mega church of over three thousand people.  I always have bittersweet emotions every time I visit, for it is the best church I have ever attended in my life, and I always miss it and wish we could still go there.  There has never been a church I have enjoyed and loved as much as O.C.A.G.  We attended two services, one was their Easter Musical 'Exiled'.  You can see a video clip HERE.  I use to be in all the musicals at this church, they were always such a joy to do.  It was really fun watching all my old friends up on stage and hearing their amazing voices.  And the musical was really good, as always.
 My daughter and son-in-law only live an hour and a half from Milwaukee so they met us at the church for the performance.  Afterwards, we caught up with our life-long friends Kirk & Shannon and talked for a bit, then we went out to dinner and a little bit of shopping.  There was a garden center right next to our restaurant, and after four hours of driving, a three hour performance, and a long dinner, I was ready to get up and walk a bit, so we walked over to the garden center to purchase some pansies.  I did find some pretty purple pansies to plant in my window box, but would you also believe Ashley and I found some of the cutest scarves and a wicker purse for unbelievable low prices too?  Who would have thought a garden center would sell cute scarves and purses, but they did!  I'd show you my great finds now, but I want to save them for a future fashion post. :)

But I can show you my Easter outfit.  I would have loved to have worn a pretty Easter dress, but the weather was still quite cool, and I had a four hour drive I would have to wear the outfit in.  Since I wanted to be comfortable for my drive, and arrive at my destination wrinkle-free, I chose this ensemble:
 I thought the lavender top and white pants were perfect Easter colors, and it was definitely comfortable enough to drive in.
 My white skinny jeans you've seen many times before (a.n.a from JCP) but this is the first time I have ever shown you this tunic.  I bought both the belt and top from Chico's at an end of season clearance sale last year, for less than $20.  I never shop at Chico's for they are way too expensive for my budget, and frankly, I think a lot of their clothes have an 'older woman look' to them.  Not that there is anything wrong with that if that is what you feel comfortable wearing, but, I'm not there yet.  Maybe, in another ten or twenty years.  We'll see.  But I really loved the color of this shirt, and didn't have anything like it in my closet already, and I thought it would be perfect for those cool spring days, and it was!  So thanks Chico's for the great deal!
 For accessories, I actually had a scarf on for most of the day, but I removed it when the weather heated up.  I always wear a necklace under my scarf, just in case I do take the scarf off mid day, like when this picture was taken.  I wore a thick, multi-strand gold necklace and bracelet.

 My shoes are several years old (Famous Footwear), but they are still my favorite pair of white shoes because they are so versatile.  The white goes with just about everything, and I thought the brown leather detailing coordinated with my brown belt very well.
 After we said goodbye to the kids, we enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing evening in the hotel pool and hot tub.  Would you believe my husband even gave up watching one of the biggest games of the year (Kentucky vs. Wisconsin Badgers) to spend time alone with me?  What a sweetie!  Of course, he caught the highlights the next morning, and watched the entire game on the computer when we got home the next day.  I'm not into sports, but even I'm proud and happy for our Badgers.  What a game!
 The next morning we went back to our hometown church, a.k.a. The Best Church in America, to attend the Easter Sunday morning services.  The worship was incredible…oh, how I miss being a part of a really great worship team, everyone was so nice and friendly, and the sermon was great.  Our friend Kirk then invited us to attend one of their Christian Education classes entitled 'Messianic Prophecies', so we went there and enjoyed that as well.  Afterwards, we said goodbye to our friend, and headed home.

We stopped at a China Buffet to eat lunch.  I know, it's not a traditional Easter meal, but I hate crowded restaurants and we actually had an early Easter Meal back in March when our son was home on Spring Break.  So I really didn't want to eat ham and potatoes anyway, since we just finished using up all the leftovers from that meal.  Anyhow, after some great food and conversation, when we neared the end of our feasting I opened up my fortune cookie and this is what I found.
I laughed my head off, because it is totally me!  I love adventures and taking vacations!  And guess what?  I know I said I wouldn't be taking any big vacations for awhile because I quit my job, BUT, we got an unexpected invitation to a nieces wedding in Colorado so, guess what my May adventure will be?  COLORADO!  We were just there last fall, but only for two days, and we only saw the Garden of the Gods and the Colorado Springs area.  This time we will be there for five days and we will be in the Boulder area visiting Rocky Mountain National Park, Fort Collins, Boulder, and many other attractions.  If you've ever been there I'd love to hear from you.  We have all our hotels booked and most of our itinerary planned, but if there's anything you think I shouldn't miss, let me know!  I can't wait to go, and I can't wait to share our adventure with you!

Have a wonderful day!  Amy

Linking Up with Style Swap Tuesdays,  Style Sessions,  Tremendous Tuesday,  Confident Twosday,  Reasons to Dress,  All About You,  Tucker Up,  Trendy Wednesday, Pampers and Pearls, Oh, Hey Girl Link Up,  Jersey Girl/Texan Heart,  I Feel Pretty,  Thursday Fashion Files, and Turning Heads Tuesday.


  1. Hi Amy, you are looking good and wishing you a nice time!
    Ageeth xx

  2. Sounds like you had a great time!! I love the outfit, the blue is beautiful on you. Has anyone ever told you, you look like a young Sally Field! Beautiful!

    pumps and push-ups

  3. I can't believe you found a scarf and bag at a garden center! I love the lavender and white! Such a pretty look!

    Doused In Pink

  4. Thanks so much for being here! Love the color on you, very fresh! sweet shoes as well, I like espradrilles for spring.

    Thanks for linking up to Turning Head Tuesday!
    jess xx

  5. Beautiful outfit as usual! Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter weekend! Glad to hear you are going back to Colorado in May. Thanks to your last Colorado trip, I am planning to go there in July. Hope you get to do some of your travel posts before we go in case I need more ideas. Although for the time we are planning on staying, I probably already picked out more than enough places to visit.

  6. So sorry you can't get to attend that church more often, but it is great that you family drove to meet you there for the service. you are looking fab in this outfit and thank you so much for joining the #reasonstodress linkup!

    Angie from reasons to dress, fashion, travel and life as a mom in Italy.

  7. Love it! Thanks for linking up :)


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