Saturday, May 25, 2013

Flowering Trees

Hello!  It's been raining non-stop here in Northern Wisconsin and my backyard is looking very lush and green....I feel like I'm living in Seattle!  Here's a few pictures of what my yard looks like in Spring when all the flowering trees start to bloom.

This is the view of my yard from the front porch.  I have four flowering crab apple trees in the front of the house that all bloom at different times and in different colors.  Here is the white and pink ones.
 Underneath the flowering crab apple I planted some Bleeding Hearts that have reseeded and produced more bleeding hearts.  I thought it was interesting that a pink and a white bleeding heart reseeded in the same spot to produce this beautiful mixture below.
 The lilacs are just starting to open up.  Here is one in the foreground in front of the white flowering crap apple tree.  My garden shed is in the background.
 A close up of the white flowering crab apple.
 The ferns are loving this moist, damp weather.  I love all the colors and texture in the ground covers below the trees.
 A better view of the garden shed and ferns.
 The view of my front yard from the road.
 A close up of a viburnum bush.
 This is a picture of a river that runs below my property.  I have the joy of listening to running water every time I'm in my backyard.
 And my last picture shows the southern, terraced garden with the garden shed down below.

Have a Happy Memorial day! Amy


  1. These pictures are absolutely breathtaking Amy. You are so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty!

  2. Beautiful pictures, hope you had a marvelous Memorial day!


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