Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jordan's High School Scrap Book: "A Boy and His Dog"

Today I am showing you another page from Jordan's High School Scrap Book. This page shows two things about Jordan, one, his muscles (lol!), and two, his love for his pets. In Jordan's Junior year of high school, he started to take a serious interest in weight lifting. It really helped improve his self confidence. He asked me to take these pictures of him wearing his 'muscle tank' so he could show them off. However, Aspen, our dog, followed us around the yard, so rather than trying to 'shoo' him out of every picture, we just included him in the shots. I absolutely treasure these photos right now, because we recently lost our beloved pet of 11 years. He ran off the night of July 4th. He got 'spooked' by the sound of fire works. We had him in his kennel, but somehow he escaped and got hit by a car. It was a great loss for us. He was just the sweetest dog we have ever owned and so very well trained and obedient. Everyone always asked me, 'Doesn't your dog ever ruin your flower gardens?' and I always responded 'No. He'd never set a paw in them. I've seen that dog run full speed and suddenly stop on a dime so he wouldn't step in my gardens'. He was wonderful. We still miss him. Here is a close up of the title. A chipboard 'J' and round tag attached with a brad was used to highlight Jordan's name.
And here is a close up of the bottom of the page.

Have a great day! Amy


  1. I'm SO sorry for your loss. It's terrific that you took these pictures. I think they are more about your son and the dog then about the muscles but at least he still got to show them off. Nice color combo too.

  2. Awesome! Love how you did the J with that square corner accent behind it.

  3. Awesome! Love how you did the J with that square corner accent behind it.

  4. Gorgeous layout Amy! Fun picture of your son and dog!

  5. Wonderful page. Great shots of your son and sweet memories of your dog.

  6. This page is fabulous! I especially like the oversized photo corners. You certainly have beautiful children!


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