Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

This is part five of a travel series to Yellowstone and the Grand Teton National Parks.  If you'd like to start at the beginning, go HERE!

Perhaps the most beautiful spot in all of Yellowstone is named after another one of America's natural wonders:  The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.  If you are ever in Yellowstone, this is the one attraction you don't want to miss.

Looking at our trusty map I've been using in all my blog posts about Yellowstone, we continued on our journey of hitting all the highlights on the figure eight loop on Day Two.  We spent the night at Lake Hotels on Yellowstone Lake.  As soon as the sun started to rise, we headed upward, through Hayden Valley, and towards Canyon Village.  

Photo Credit

The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone has multiple overlooks and trails from which to view the falls and the canyon.  Because we were coming from the south east, we hung a right on South Rim Drive and stopped at the Upper Falls Viewpoints first.

Judging by the vast size of the parking lot, this must be pretty busy during tourist season.  But because it was the off season, plus it was so early in the morning, we had the whole place to ourselves.

The map below shows you all the stops, trails, and look out points of the Canyon.  

Next, we got back in the car and drove to the next look out point:  "Artists Point".  This was the best, most beautiful, and our favorite view of the falls and the canyon.  It seemed surreal.  Like we were looking at a painting instead of something in real life.  We never checked the best time of day to be there, but we must have hit it right, because the view was other-worldly.

Here are a couple of short videos taken from the Artists Point

Of course we had to take a couple of selfies to prove we were here!  Although I think these photos make it look more like we're standing in front of some fake scenery instead of the real deal. 😂

This next photo is looking at the other side of the canyon, opposite the falls.

After oohing and aahing for quite some time, and just soaking the beauty in, it was time to head back in the car and visit more of the overlooks.  We got back on South Rim Drive, and headed to the main figure eight loop road to see the Brink of the Upper Falls.  Now we were across the river, on the opposite side of our first stop in the morning.

This was the first time since arriving in Yellowstone we were actually walking a trail.  I wasn't worried about bears though, because the area was very civilized and there were plenty of people around by now.  The trails we were on were very steep and I was upset because I left my walking sticks in the car.  I thought the trail was so short I wouldn't need it, but they are crazy steep and walking sticks would have really helped.

The trail takes you right to the top of the falls.  It's incredible!

After viewing the Upper Falls, we then headed over to the Brink of the Lower Falls Trailhead.  It was another very steep trail down to the lower falls.

I included the photo below so you could get an idea of how steep this trail is.  My husband and I were literally hanging onto each for dear life trying not to slide down the hillside.  It was much easier going up than going down.

The view of the canyon was just incredible!

This entire area is "Get in your car, drive two minutes, get out, hike a bit, soak in the views, repeat".  All the parking lots were very large, so we always found a spot easily.  But again, it was during the off-season, but the parking was much nicer than it was for the Grand Prismatic Spring.

Our next stop:  Lookout Point

This is the view of Lookout Point;  not quite as incredible as Artist Point, but beautiful just the same.

This trail had lots of boardwalks and steps.

More selfies.  By now it was mid-morning so it warmed up and I could lose the jacket. 

If you don't like stairs, this might not be the trail for you. 😆

Back in our car again to our next stop:  Grand View

The Grand View was just a view of the Grand Canyon.  After everything else we saw this morning, this was the least impressive view to us.  I wonder if we started here, and then ended up at Artist Point if we would have felt differently.

This area has multiple overlooks of the canyon with short walks leading to them.

And the last stop for the day in this area:  Inspiration Point.  Definitely not as impressive as Artist Point.

This area did have a really cool new steel and wood overlook whose engineering and style we really admired.

And here's a couple more short videos.  The first one shows the view from the North Rim Trail and the second one is the Lower Falls Trail.  Enjoy!


We really loved the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.  It was one of our favorite spots in the park.  I would highly recommend getting there early like we did to avoid the crowds and get the best pictures.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Dear Amy,
    even though I have been to several US National Parks, I am still missing Yellowstone (among others)... and who knows if I will ever visit it. Will we travel to the States again? We don't know. BUT I still "know" the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone because I regularly cycle around there 😂😁 Excuse me? Just kidding - here's the explanation: My husband and I regularly go to a fitness center, and there we have small screens on the ergometer or treadmill. We always choose the program on the screens where you can cycle or run through the most beautiful landscapes in the world - and one of the routes is the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone! That's why I am familiar with the beautiful landscape. I was happy to see different new perspectives of it with you. And the waterfall is sooo impressive!
    All the best from Austria, Traude

    1. Oh, that is so funny. I have an exercise bike too with programs like that, but I don't use the programs. I should see if the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is on mine. Thanks so much!

  2. That view from Artist's point is incredible! I mean all the stops look really beautiful but Artist point hardly even looks real. It's true that it looks like you are standing against a fake background.

    1. I know, right? It looks fake to me too, but I assure you it's real. Even in person it looked fake. It was crazy!

  3. Beautiful views and photos! Yellowstone is my favorite National Park

    1. Thank you! A lot of people say that. Zion is still my favorite.


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