Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Exploring the Natural Attractions and Flower Gardens of Mackinac Island and A Quick Stop at Oswald Bear Ranch

This post is part four of a travel series to Michigan's Upper Peninsula.   To start at the beginning go  HERE.  The remaining posts in consecutive order are HERE and HERE.

For my third and final post of Mackinac Island, I wanted to share some little tidbits of other points of interests on the island, like its natural attractions such as Arch Rock pictured below.  Then I'm going to pivot to a brief stop we made at a bear ranch enroute to our next destination in the Upper Peninsula.

Arch Rock

After spending some time on the porch of The Grand Hotel, we headed up the West Bluff to see the grand mansions and take a walk along the lakeshore.  These are some of the views you see from the top of the bluff.

Mackinac Island is much more than fine restaurants, beautiful homes, and shopping.  The island is actually 80% park and has 70+ miles of trails!  I wish we had the time to have hiked these trails, but we were only there for one day so we were only able to hike along the lakeshore if we wanted time for other activities on the island.  

Map of four trail routes on Mackinac Island

We decided "Devil's Kitchen" and "Chimney Rock" sounded interesting so we took the "Pontiac Trail" from West Bluff Road to the Lakeshore.  It says on the sign that there are not any stairs, but I assure you, there are stairs down to the water.

See!  Here are the stairs!  They look new, which makes me wonder if the sign is just old and needs to be updated.

Walking along the lakeshore on Mackinac Island is a beautiful, serene experience.  However, if I had to do it all over again I would have rented or brought a bike because it's a long hike and we quickly tired.  We saw a lovely lighthouse.

And more great views of the famous Mackinaw Bridge.

People often ask when is the best time to visit Mackinac Island and that is hard to answer.  Some people love to go in the fall to see the beauty of the fall foliage.  Other's prefer summer because some days Mackinac Island can be quite chilly and a summer visit might assure one of warmer temperatures.  We chose spring because many, many years ago I read an article about how the island is home to hundreds of different lilac bushes.  These bushes aren't native to the island, but were brought over by Dutch and French immigrants.  Today, Mackinac Island has more than 250 varieties of lilacs and is home to some of the oldest and largest lilacs in the world.  The island even has a special "Lilac Festival" in June to celebrate the lilac blooms.

We were on the island after Memorial Day so we were there before the lilacs were in peak bloom.  However, we did see lots of lilacs in bloom, like the one below!

While walking along the lakeshore below the west bluff, you will walk right past "Devil's Kitchen", so it's hard to miss!

We continued to walk for quite a bit more hoping to see Chimney Rock but started to grow tired (keep in mind, we have been walking ever since we departed the ferry) and decided to turn around.  We made a good choice as I don't think one can even see Chimney Rock from the bottom of the lakeshore as it is high above the bluff.  We do think we saw it on our ferry ride back to the mainland.  We found out later that Chimney Rock is a inland hike one takes on top of the bluff to watch the sunset, so it's a good thing we turned around.

After we turned back from our lakeshore hike, we had to walk through town again to get to the East Bluff area to see the Arch Rock.  I was determined not to leave the island until I got to see this natural wonder!  I enjoyed walking through the town once more so I could pay more attention to the beautiful flower gardens.  On my first walk through, I was too enamored with all the historic buildings to notice the flowers much.

When we first got off the ferry we headed straight west to The Grand Hotel, now we were walking east to see Arch Rock and we got to see some new sights like Fort Mackinac!

Fort Mackinac is a restored fort that has demonstrations and tours by costume interpreters throughout the day.  We didn't buy tickets to see the fort because we were only on Mackinac Island for one day and didn't have the time.  If I ever go back though, I would love to see it!

We walked past a lovely marina on our way to Arch Rock.

The farther along the east shoreline we walked, it seemed to get less busy, and more serene and lovely.  

I fell in love with this grassy area surrounded by a bed of tulips with the lake in the horizon.

This area even had a lovely gazebo.  I wonder if anyone ever got married here?  

Eventually as you keep walking east along the lakeshore you run out of civilization and right into Mackinac Island State Park.

We finally made it to Arch Rock and it was as beautiful as I had seen in photos!  It was worth every step!

By now we were pretty tired from all the walking (can I say one more time I wish we had rented or brought our bikes) and after looking at a map we took a shortcut back to the ferry via Arch Rock Road.  It was such a lovely jaunt through the woods and we saw some cute B&B's that were nestled on wooded lots plus we got the backside view of Fort Mackinac and we saw the Governor's Residence.  We came across this sign below and it made me wish we had more time and energy to see more, but it also gave me incentive to come back another day.  If you ever plan to visit Mackinac Island I would recommend at least two or three days to visit if you want to do more than just walk the Main Street and see The Grand Hotel.

Once we were back in St. Ignace we popped over to this little stand that was right across the street from our hotel.  We were amused that there was such a huge Packer fan in Michigan, but I think you can find Packer Fans just about anywhere. 

We picked up some smoked fish to eat on the trails we intended to hike in the next few days.   One fish lasted quite a long time, and it was quite tasty too!

For dinner that night, we headed to the famous "Clydes Drive In":  A vintage burger joint known for their 3/4 lb burgers.  They were delicious!

Enjoying a Clyde's Drive-In Burger!

The next morning we packed up our bags and said our goodbye's to St. Ignace and started the trek to Tahqueamnon Falls State Park, which I will cover next week.  On our way there we made a quick pit stop to Oswald's Bear Ranch.

My husband loves bears, so this was a thrill for him.  Oswald's is the largest bear ranch in the United States.  The bears are rescued bears brought here to continue their lives in natural habitats and comfort.  The bears are separated by sex in huge habitats of 1/4-1/3 mile perimeters and one habitat even includes a waterfall!

It costs $25 per car load to enter the ranch, or $15 a lone visitor.  You can also pay extra to feed the bears apples or have your photo taken with the baby bear cubs.

Our favorite part of our visit, was watching the baby cubs play!  Be sure to watch the video to see them in action. They sure seemed happy!

Next week I will continue this travel series with a visit to Tahquamenon Falls State Park.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Lots of beautiful pictures once again, definitely need a few days here, hopefully when I do plan a trip up north I will find accomodation right here other than the Grand Hotel which is definitley out of my price range!!!
    Arch Rock looks beautiful and so do all those flowers. Interesting to read about the many lilacs, I had no idea there is such a variety of them. The bears are so much fun to watch!! We visited Bear Country USA in South Dakota and it was so fun to watch the little bears taking a worker's broom when she had to go in to rescue something a little child had dropped in. They are so adorable and yes, so full of energy!

    1. Thank you! I do plan to go back now that I learned my lessons the hard way of how to see the island. Did you see the post on The Grand Hotel itself where I share their Secret Garden? I noticed you didn't comment on it, and I wanted to be sure you saw it because I know you'd love the garden.

  2. Oh wow; what a beautiful island. I can see how you wished you had more time and an easier way to getting around. Those bear cubs are adorable.

    1. Yes it is. Well, we got a 'taste' of the island and now we know what to do when we go back.

  3. That first pic is gorgeous, as are ht etulips and bears! #GardenAffair

  4. Enjoyed seeing all of your pics from the island and the ranch. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 142. Pinned.

  5. Wow, I have enjoyed this trip. So very beautiful. What an amazing place.

  6. The arch rock in the island is a stunning capture. I loved that you spotted lilacs and Tulips during your visit to the island. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

    1. Thank you! Mackinac Island is filled with beautiful flower gardens! It was one of my favorite parts of the island.

  7. How cool! I didn't even know about Arch Rock--so beautiful. And the bear ranch?! Wow! Such a fun read, and I enjoyed your photos. Visiting from Sweet Tea & Friends.

    1. Yes I don't think most people know about all the natural attractions on the island. I really want to go back and explore more. One day wasn't enough.

    2. I'll have to get back there some day, too, to check out the natural attractions and not just the man-made ones. :) Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #18 linkup, too. Hope to see you there next week as well.

  8. Amy, I just loved your adventures exploring the island and the natural attractions. I also loved the video of the baby cubs playing. It was adorable. Happy to be featuring your post this Friday at The Crazy Little Love Birds link party. :) I hope you will join us again soon.

    1. I'm so happy you enjoyed it. That's great news you will be featuring my post. Thanks so much!

  9. Absolutely awesome, love those arch rocks and all the other pics you have here.
    Thank you for visiting and sharing your links with us at SSPS #291. See you again on Monday, January 8th, 2024.
    I hope you will also join us weekly at Wed-Sat at our very own #WordlessWednesday (or not) - hope to see you again on Jan 10, 2024

    1. Thank you so much. I looked at your "WordlessWednesday post but I don't do a post with just a photo so I didn't think I could link up.

  10. CONGRATS Amy! Your post is FEATURED at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 143!

  11. How beautiful! I especially love the unusual rock formations. Thank you for sharing at You're the Star Blog Hop! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. It sure is! The arched rock was my favorite too. You're welcome.

  12. Amy, Mackinac Island is stunning! I enjoy virtually touring with you.
    I appreciate you sharing this beauty with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.

    1. Yes, it's beautiful there. Glad you enjoyed the 'virtual tour'.


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