Once a month I like to share my Bible Journaling Pages and what God has been teaching me. In the month of November I finished the book of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs, and just started the book of Isaiah. Because of the holiday, I didn't have a whole lot of time to create my own pages so I basically just read the Bible and colored in the pre-printed images already in the "Inspire Bible" (available on
Unless otherwise stated, all the images are colored in with either
gel pens or
colored pencils. I tend to color larger areas with pencils then get the more intricate spots with pens. I high light my Bible with
gel highlighters, and I usually use
gelatos for my backgrounds.
The first page highlights the verses "Honor Him in your Youth". Gosh, I wish I would have done that when I was young. I came to know Christ in my mid-twenties but I sure with I would have met Him in my teens. It would have saved me a lot of pain. As a parent of teenagers I wanted so badly to prevent my own children from making some of the same mistakes I did, and most of the time, they did, but often they didn't listen too. I think it's wise advice to honor God in our youth, but unfortunately most of us do not.
Did you know "Fearing" and "Obeying" God is a duty? After wondering what the purpose of life is throughout the book of Ecclesiastes, the author finally concludes that worshipping and obeying God is the only thing in life that really matters.

Below is an open book spread of the first two pages of the "Song of Songs". I created the pages using feminine colors to emphasize this book of love. Some scholars see the book as a love story between a man and a woman and others see it as a love story of God for us. I think it can be both!

If you interpret the book as the love relationship between Jesus and His people, this verse is an example of how believers must search for God.

Just as a groom sees impeccable beauty in his bride, so is there impeccable beauty in Jesus Christ. In other Bible versions this verse reads that the bride has no "spot" or no "flaw". The word for "spot" is used eighteen times in the Old Testament referring to the "perfect" animal sacrifices required to atone for sins. Jesus then became our "perfect", "flawless", "spotless", "beautiful in every way" sacrifice.

Here the bride in the story is asking for a permanent commitment from the groom, likewise Jesus asks us to let Him come in to our hearts.

I was so excited to start the book of Isaiah because it is a great time in history to study this book. Isaiah is prophetic book which has both near fulfillment and far fulfillment prophecies. It strengthens my faith to see the prophecies in the book of Isaiah that have already been fulfilled to a T and it's exciting to see what God has yet to do!

When I first started reading Isaiah I was struggling. It can be a hard book to understand as there is a lot of history there. At first I would read a chapter, then read the "Enduring Word Commentary" of the chapter. That helped a lot, but what really helped me the most to fully understand what I was reading was Jon Courson. Now, I have always been familiar with Jon Courson as his sermons are amazing, but unbeknownst to me was that he teaches verse by verse chapter by chapter. What I mean by that, is that he reads the verses and bible chapters in order and explains them. Most pastor preach topically: they pick a topic, then jump all over the Bible to support and explain their topic. That can be dangerous because you can pull the passage out of context. When I realized Jon Courson taught verse by verse, chapter by chapter I simply went on YouTube and searched "Jon Courson, Isaiah 45" (or whatever chapter I was reading at the time). I then listened to his sermon on the chapter. For my daily devotions now, I read the chapter(s) by myself first, so that God is the first one to speak to me through His word and I'm not influenced by a man. Then I listen to Jon Courson and get his thoughts/interpretation. Listening to Jon Courson daily has helped immensely, and I hope to continue with it throughout the year.
The page below is one of the most well known and beautiful verses in the Bible. I used a white gel pen to really emphasize white/snow, then I did the background lettering in blue.
It amazes me how Jon Courson has so much scripture memorized and can pull the references to scripture verses out of his head so quickly. That shows me that he is a man who spends a lot of time reading God's Word! I always jot the Bible references down in my margins that Jon Courson mentions.
This is the one page I had time to do for myself this month: just in time for Christmas. To create this page I painted the background purple first, then I hand wrote the scripture with a black marker. The images are stamps that I stamped on a separate piece of card stock, colored in, then adhered to the page.
Here is a page where Jon Courson really gave me a lot of insight and I had so much to write down. Because a pre-printed image was on the left hand margins, I had to write all my notes on the right margins. What a beautiful verse though! I colored it in bright, pretty colors to emphasize the beauty of the verse.
I love the verse below because of the combination of the words "strength" and "song". God is our strength, because He gives us power to make it through anything, yet He is also our song, because He gives us so much joy, even through the most difficult of circumstances.
Have A Great Day! Amy
Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs
As always, I enjoy seeing your journaling! It's interesting what you say about how Jon Courson preaches, will have to look him up! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 20, open until January 26. Shared on social media. I've also started another linkup if you're interested, it's titled Exploring World Religions.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dee!
DeleteThese are all so beautiful and great verses! I especially love the song of songs page spread in pink.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ellie!
DeleteGreat Bible study. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
DeleteCreative and colorful inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteAlways inspirational, whether they are your creations or coloring the pre-printed pages. I really like this Bible. I wish I had chosen it rather than the one I have. Making Bible journaling a goal this year. Hope to create just a fraction of the loveliness you create. The Isaiah page reminds me of Valentine's Day colors. Beautiful and encouraging.
ReplyDeleteAwww, thanks so much!
DeleteOk, I have to ask...I'm fairly new to Bible Studies...I've only done them via online studies or small groups through my church. Given the condition of our country (world too!) I am feeling a need for more understanding and comfort from my bible. My husband and I are what I call "Reformed Catholics." (That in itself is an entire story of faith on it's own. We were never encouraged to question the teachings, but, to just believe. In our new non-denominational Church of God, we have found more understanding of human nature, faith, God and loving others than ever before. Still, bible studying can be overwhelming to us as we were never really encouraged to do so in our old church.
ReplyDeleteSo, I have 2 questions for you! Please forgive my ignorance. <3
1) Where did you find your beautiful bible, you have inspired me to begin bible journaling. I need this calm in my life now.
2) Do you just read through your bible beginning to end or do you follow a plan?
Thank you for the calm your blog offers. It is always such a grounded, lovely place to visit! I always feel as if I could sit down and enjoy a hot tea or coffee and chat with you like dear friends.
Hi Tammy, I grew up Catholic so I know exactly where you are coming from. Yes, Bible Study can be overwhelming. I have studied the Bible many different ways throughout my life. There are so many ways, you can follow a Bible Study plan (like the read through the Bible in one year), buy a devotional book, download a Bible app on your phone and follow one of their plans. For myself, I have found the most effective way of reading the Bible is like a book: beginning to end. If there is something I don't quite understand, I google it in a trustworthy Bible Commentary like 'Enduring Word' or I watch a Jon Courson sermon on the chapter. As for where I found my Bible, it is available on Amazon. I actually included a link to this exact bible in the last sentence of the first paragraph of this post. Just click on the word "Amazon" and it will take you directly there. I'm so happy you enjoy my blog and these posts. Yes, Bible Journaling has been a lifesaver for me to these past few years. It has helped me to get an eternal perspective on everything we have been going through and the coloring or journaling aspect of it has kept me "calm". Thank you for your lovely comment and all your questions.
DeleteLOL...I admit, I kinda skimmed over the first two paragraphs and jumped right into the "meat" of the post. My apologies. Thank you for your kindness in responding. I've already ordered a copy and can't wait to get to journaling! In the meantime, I will look in to your study resources. Thank you again.
ReplyDeleteOh, that's ok. I must admit, I really don't read most blog posts myself and skim them. Who has the time? I hope you enjoy your new Bible as much as I do. The translation is so easy to understand.
DeleteThank you for sharing and I enjoyed seeing book and will look for one for myself which I can use when I am teaching my son his Bible Class for Homeschooling.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! The book is available on Amazon, and I provided the link in the last sentence of the first paragraph, but if you rather purchase it from another source, I bought mine from Hobby Lobby and used a 40% off coupon.
DeleteVery nice! While I've never taken the time to do it, I think this is such an artistic way to drive God's Word down into your heart. The Ecclesiates passage (12.13) is one of my husband's favorites and he mentions it often.
ReplyDeleteI must admit, Bible Journaling is very time consuming, but it's a great way to mediate on God's Word. I was unfamiliar with the Ecclesiastes verse before this. I found it very profound.
ReplyDeleteI think the scenery is absolutely perfect for you coat photo shoot! While you're not comfortable in the fit/style of our coat on you, I think it's very cute! Another fun collaboration!
Julie xo
Thanks Julie!
DeleteAmy, what a beautiful Bible! I love that you highlight and decorate it. I have a very old Bible that I have highlighted and underlined, and took billions of notes in. Although I have not picked up a Bible in many years, I cherish that one that has all of me inside of it! I admire your dedication to your Bible journaling and really enjoyed this post! Thanks so much for sharing and linking with me.
Thank you Shelbee! Yes, I have may Bibles but I cherish this one most of all. I love to just page through it sometimes to review everything that God has taught me over the past few years. It renews my faith! I hope you pick up your old Bible some time and see the same. I've been keeping you in my prayers!
DeleteThanks Marilyn!