Sunday, March 15, 2020

Regular Blogging Schedule Closed Until Further Notice

It is with great regret that I have made the decision to temporarily shut down my regular blogging schedule due to the "Pandemic".  I have made this decision for two reasons:   1) It seems so trivial now to do posts on fashion when most of our communities are "Locked down";  and to talk about Easter cards and home decor just seems insensitive when there is so much suffering right now. 2) My daughter and her husband and kids will be coming home to live with us until this nightmare is over.  I am super busy now preparing our home for long term visitors and I'm sure I will be so busy when they are here cooking, cleaning, and playing with the grandkids that I just won't have time to blog.

However, I do want to stay faithful to my commitments  so if "Ageless Style" still continues on with their link ups I will do another fashion post the first Monday of April.  I also realize that many of us will have more times on our hands as we are all stuck at home, and we may be spending more time at on the Internet and therefore the blogging community may be more important than ever.  I don't want to further isolate myself by not communicating with you.  So if I have time to post at all, it won't be about fashion, home decor, travel, or crafts, but it will be about how we're surviving the pandemic, our daily lives in isolation, or spiritual insight and encouragement.

Like many people, I don't know where this pandemic will lead.  Some times I think it's all a hoax and we're all over-reacting.  Other times I think it's for real and I fight back the fear with prayer and scripture.  I just don't know.  My thoughts and emotions go up and down like a roller coaster multiple times a day.  Like Y2K twenty years ago, I hope a few weeks/months now we will all look back at this and laugh and say "I can't believe we were all so worried about nothing!"  But until then, we have to be prepared for the worst and pray and hope for the best.

Instead of my usual closing signature of "Have A Great Day" I am leaving you with this encouraging verse from the Bible:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  Phil. 4: 6-7



  1. amen to your comments, God bless you and all of your family.

  2. You'll surely be busy and having lots of fun with the grand babies around! Alethea will have so much fun exploring your garden!
    Take care and hope to see you back again soon!

    1. Busy is an understatement. Hopefully we will develop a routine soon. But Alethea sure is thriving and loving the "apocalypse". I've never seen her happier.

  3. I'm with you struggling back and forth between the growing concern and the distrust of media and many gov't officials. Of course I believe the flu is very real and effecting lives but I just keep praying for wisdom. I love that we have a God we can lean into, who is sovereign over all. There is nothing He can't do! I will post (some is due to contracts I am obligated to do) and other is I still want people to smile...hoping to make someone smile this week. Thank you Amy for sharing your heart and thoughts!

    1. Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! We will see how things play out. If this goes on indefinitely, my post topics will change, but I hope I'm not too busy that I can never blog again. We have to first develop a normal routine, but things are going great so far.

  4. You are so right! I am just super busy right now having a household of people. Once we develop a "New Normal" I will return. I just may not blog about fashion, travel, home decor and crafts for awhile and will write about other topics.

  5. Stay safe! I will be blogging . My daughter will do online classes and I am just replying work emails and will be blogging as this is the only time I can :)

    HUGS from NYC

  6. Sorry to see you won't be blogging but it does sound like you will be very busy! :) it's definitely a new world, I'm for the time being planning to continue to blog as I like having that regular routine and I've been doing it so long! But with so many things cancelled I don't know if I will be getting dressed and outside often. (I'm only going to wear longewear if I'm working at home). At least our schools are still open so I'll be getting dressed for the school run and might still be able to post.

    Hope that your week is going okay with everything happening right now!

    Away From Blue

    1. I just don't have a lot of free time to blog right now with all the extra people at home. I will try to pop in here and there with a family update or inspirational post. That's amazing your schools are still open. Ours are all closed.

  7. Stay safe dear. Take as much time as you need.

    Jessica |

  8. Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing.

  9. I'm so glad your family will all be together. Stay healthy and safe!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Me too! May you and your family stay healthy and safe too!

  10. Sweet friend, I have been out of the loop taking care of my mom in Kentucky. I have felt much the same way about blogging. Didn't miss it terribly in the week that I was away but now that I am home, I will return to blogging. Maybe because I have never taken myself seriously as a style or fashion blogger, and just kind of blog for my own entertainment!!

    Hope having your children and grands home will be a delightful experience. Every time I go to the store I buy a little extra in case my daughter and her family need food. There was absolutely no meat to be had today. Going to make do with what we have, which is more than plenty.

    Drop a line now and then to let us know how it goes. Maybe an occasional grandchildren and me post? Or a Bible journaling post. Thinking of you. Thank you for sharing that powerful verse of Scripture.

    1. Thank you. I will definitely drop in now and then. For sure I'm doing an Easter post! I already have a title "How We Celebrated Easter During The Apocalypse " ha ha!

  11. I have remote work but after work when i need to stay home i blogging or watching tv. Stay safe and i wish a lot of health for you and your family :)

    1. My husband is still working so I worry about him getting it and/or bringing the virus home. But I'm grateful he is still working.

  12. I agree with you Amy that it is hard to know what to post these days when the world is at an uncertain place. I hope all is well with you and the family. I know this will pass but until then stay safe and well. Happy Friday!

    Maureen |

    1. I'm not sure this will pass anytime soon. The destruction this is causing is going to trickle down and cause so many bigger issues. But, you stay safe and well too!


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