Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Our Fall Vacation To South Dakota, Day 3, Part II: Bridal Veil Falls and Little Spearfish Falls

 This is a continuation of a travel series to South Dakota.  To start at the beginning, go HERE.  The rest of the posts in chronological order are  HEREHERE, HERE, and HERE!

On day three, after spending the morning at Mt. Moriah Cemetery, my husband and I headed to Spearfish Canyon to see some waterfalls.  We saw three waterfalls in one day, but I will only cover two in this post and I will share the third waterfall next week.

Bridal Veil Falls

Bridal Veil Falls is the easiest to find as you can see it from a viewing deck right off the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway (US Hwy 14A).  There is no hiking involved unless you are more adventurous like my husband and I are, and climb off the viewing deck to a closer look of the falls.

This waterfall is 60 feet tall.  The fall's namesake can be seen in the shape of the water as it falls over the edge and thinly veils the limestone like Victorian lace.

Below the viewing deck is a lovely babbling brook that brave souls like my husband can cross to get closer to the bottom of the falls.  I was content with just staying near the water's edge and admiring all the beauty around me.

The second falls we visited in Spearfish was my favorite!

Little Spearfish Falls

Little Spearfish Falls is a GORGEOUS trail and the falls are so pretty too.  You can see the top of the falls right from the trail parking lot, but barely.  You really must take the short little hike down 100 feet to see this beautiful water fall.  And the hike is so lovely, that is worth seeing too!

You pick up the nature trail just behind Latchstring Inn.  The trail is a 3/4 mile loop that crosses over Spearfish Creek where I got the stunning views pictured below.

With the exception of the rocky decent, once you cross the bridge over the stream the trail is paved. And, did I tell you how GORGEOUS this trail is?  Oh my gosh, just look at these amazing trees.  I felt I was in a fairy land it was so pretty.

This waterfall is only 40 feet tall, but I just thought it was such a beautiful waterfall because of its stunning surroundings.  We were there just as the colors were beginning to change making it more magical than ever.

The Scenic Byway is so pretty!  Even if you're not much of a hiker,  you will enjoy seeing this area.  This picture was taken right from car.  The third waterfall, which I will cover next week, you can also drive too (or you can hike a mile like we did) and just walk a short distance from your car to see.

Next week:  Roughlock Falls Trail and Falls!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Beautiful pictures! I loved hiking to the falls whe we visited South Dakota. The views are amazing! I can imagine it was extra gorgeous with fall colors all around!

    1. Thank you! That's awesome you visited the falls too! Lots of people don't hit them when visiting SD.

  2. That does look like a beautiful hike! Pinned.

    1. It really was, and wait till you see next week's hiking photos!

  3. What a stunning place. Thank you for sharing with us at #MLSTL.

  4. Wow those falls look just amazing! We have a few random falls up here in the pacnw and I love going to see them!

    1. Thanks Ruth! A waterfall at the end of hike always makes it more worth it to me.

  5. What an amazing place Amy - and your outfit is very figure flattering (dark colours are so slimming aren't they?)
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I've shared on my SM :)

    1. Thank you! This hiking outfit was a hit on Instagram too. I use to just wear jeans and sweatshirts hiking, and then I saw other women wearing activewear while hiking and thought "That makes a lot more sense, hiking is exercise!". So now I have a week's worth of active wear for when I go on vacation and need a fresh outfit every day. ha ha!

  6. This so much reminds me of some of the waterfalls we have here in Vancouver, BC. What a wonderful trip and you must have enjoyed. We also have a Bridal Veil Falls - Vancouver Trails, so this absolutely resonate with me.

    1. Oh, I would love to visit Vancouver. I've seen pictures and it takes my breath away. Someday!

  7. What gorgeous views! You are making me want to go out and travel, I'm feeling a bit cabin-feverish here! That looks like fun!

    1. Thank you! I think everyone feels cabin-feverish this time of year. Especially when it's bitter cold.

  8. Oh what beautiful waterfalls! That last one is my favourite too, you got some incredible photos! :)

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp this week :)

    Hope that your week is going well :) Still so hot and humid here with the heatwave!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thanks Mica! Hubby is the photographer! I heard you guys are having a horrible heat wave in Australia right now. I wish I could send you some of our bitter cold to cool you off.

  9. How beautiful! My husband LOVES waterfalls... he would love this place.


    1. Thanks Carrie! Well, you need to plan a road trip!

  10. Hiking is something my husband and I really got into when the kids were empty nesters. We've always enjoyed hiking before kids, but it seems when you have kids, there are way too many other activities you are running off to that there is no time for hiking for fun.

  11. What a beautiful trip! Those falls are incredible. Love your photos dear!
    Jessica |


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