Monday, April 10, 2017

Another Easter Outfit

 In last week's fashion post,  I showed you the outfit I planned on wearing Easter Sunday.  I still plan on wearing that outfit, but due to an oversight, my Easter plans have changed slightly so I won't be needing a second Easter outfit.  Long story short, we have been driving to Milwaukee every Easter weekend for years to see an Easter musical.  I automatically made hotel reservations for the holiday weekend never bothering to look up the dates of the musical this year because it's ALWAYS on Easter weekend.  Well I was on Facebook this weekend and I noticed everyone posting pictures and talking about the musical.  "What?"  I thought.  "How can it be this weekend?  Easter is next weekend!".  So I went on the church's website and sure enough, they moved the performances to a different weekend for the first time in over thirty years.  UGH!  I was so upset!  Everyone on FB was saying it was the best musical the church had ever done.  I was so disappointed we missed it.  Then to make it worse, our hotel room is non-refundable!  So we decided to go make the best of it and go to the city anyway Easter weekend and spend time with old friends.  We will still get to see our kids too plus take in the Easter Sunday Morning service.  But, I'm still disappointed to miss the musical.  We look forward to that every year!

Anyway, I bought a second outfit that I will not be needing now since I won't be attending the musical.  My husband said "Wear it anyway".  And I said "No, it's too dressy just to hang out with friends".  I have no idea when I'll wear this outfit now as my life pretty much of consists of going out to eat and shopping.  I might be able to wear it to church, or on one of our travels.  I know some of you are probably thinking, "It's not dressy at all!"  But in my small back woods world, it's dressy.  But just because I didn't wear it doesn't mean I can't show it to you all, so here it is!

The outfit was planned for a four hour car drive and a three hour church service/musical so that is why I chose elastic waist pants and not a dress.  I picked up these pants at Ross and they came in S, M, L.  I bought the size M and I thought they looked like they fit great in the dressing room mirror, but when I look at these pictures they seem a little big to me.  My husband didn't think so, what do you think?

The floral top I picked up at T.J. Maxx.   I was very drawn to the poppy print and how it's a floral but not a "in-your-face" floral if you know what I mean.  It's a very subtle floral.

For outer wear I chose my new black embroidered bomber jacket.  I previously showed it you before in THIS POST.

The black in the top goes well with the black jacket and the black in the shoes.

For jewelry I chose this long peach pendent necklace to draw out the peach in the top.

I chose the beige handbag and just turned it so the periwinkle side faced inward.

I also wore a simple gold and diamond bracelet on my wrist.

The top is sheer, so I wore a white lace camisole underneath.  It has three quarter length arms with elastic in the hem.  It's a very nice lightweight top for spring.

I chose to wear my color-blocked black and tan pumps since I would be mostly sitting.  These shoes are so uncomfortable, I can never wear them if I plan on being on my feet much.  I really need to stop buying pointy-toe shoes.  They do not work for me.  But, they are so cute I can't help myself!

Next I want to show you the outfit with flats.  Originally, I was going to wear the outfit with flats to be more comfortable, but after I saw these pictures I said "Nah! My legs look too short".  It could have been the picture angle and not the flats at all My husband took the pictures straight on instead of shooting up or down like he usually does (Photography can be so deceiving! After years of fashion photography we know how to take pictures to make me look a lot thinner and taller than I am in real life!).  But he didn't like the outfit with flats either and told me to try it with heels, so I did.

I thought I would still show you the pictures because some women only wear flats and would like to see the same outfit with different shoes.  If you notice, I also have a different necklace on as well.  After I saw the pictures, I just thought the necklace was too dressy and switched over to the pendant.

These are such cute flats, I really don't get much use out of them though.  They are not very comfortable and they are so sparkly I can't wear them with too much.  I bought them at Old Navy a couple of seasons ago.

So which way do you like the outfit better?  With the flats or the pumps?  What about the necklace?  Which one do you prefer?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Sorry you missed the Easter service, I remember from previous posts how much you always look forward to this...maybe there is another church that holds one you can attend on the day you'll be there...
    This is a really pretty outfit, I like it more with heels, but I am one that never wears heels. (I really should start though as my son is now taller than I am :)
    Love the look with the pendant, but the other necklace is really pretty too! Hope you have a good time visiting with your kids and friends!

    1. Aww, thanks Elli. Yes, we do look forward to it every year. I'm so sad we missed it. Everyone seems to like the outfit better with heels. I will have to grin and bear it!

  2. Even though you didn't get to wear this outfit, you will definitely use all the pieces and they will be perfect to mix and match in your wardrobe! You can always dress them down with jeans and the pants seem like the perfect travel pant. I think the pants fit really well! And the pendant necklace is my fave :)

    Thank you for linking up with On Mondays We Link-Up!

    1. Thank you! You are so right. The top would look great with boyfriend jeans, and I could wear the pants with a more casual top too. Great tips!

  3. Love the outfit and the colour and weight of the trousers. Definitely prefer heels despite you having to suffer in them! Maybe the trousers are a bit on the loose side but that should make them comfy for car trips.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I think the weight of the trousers will be perfect for the warmer months when I don't want to wear shorts. I think I'm done with capris. I just don't find them flattering on me.

  4. That same thing happened to us last December! We go to Solvang to see the town tree lighting every year, and it's ALWAYS the first weekend in December. We didn't bother to check when we booked the hotel this time. Turns out, we were there on the wrong weekend because they had moved it to the weekend AFTER we left. So I can imagine how you feel!! I love the flats because of the glitter, but because it's Easter I would stick with heels :) Pretty look for sure!


    1. Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Although I'm sorry you missed the tree lighting. I just always have booked the hotel first because I wanted to make sure I get a room. Now I don't know what to do next year because I fear the church may not even have the dates on their website by the time I need to book a room. I really wish they would left it on Easter weekend like they always have.

  5. Such a bummer you missed the musical! But, glad you'll still get to enjoy the service. Your pants are a great fit on you, I love that they're elastic. Comfortable and a great fit!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  6. Love your outfit! Both shoes are darling with it! Your top is super cute too! I love that long necklace you paired with it!

  7. Perfect Easter look. I love the light colors, and your embroidered bomber is so pretty!

    xx, Elise

  8. Bummer they moved the musical and you missed it! Loving this look though. Would have been perfect.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  9. Tried to leave a comment on my lunch break at work but it disappeared. Love both combinations of this outfit but my fav is the heels and pendant combo. The pants look a teensy bit big but still very attractive and dressy.

    1. Thanks Leslie, I think everyone preferred the outfit with heels. Maybe I just need to focus on purchasing more comfortable heels (is there such a thing?) and stop buying the pointy toe ones!

  10. Pit about the musical, I would be terribly upset too. It was interesting to see how by changing the shoes and accessories you had two very lovely but different outfits

    1. Thanks Anna! Yes, quite a difference. Especially when you switch out the shoes!

  11. Very nice outfit! I like that you show both options: heels and flats. I used to do that but readers always liked the heels. BUT who can wear heels all day? So I always appreciate when the outfit is versatile and be "rocked" both ways comfy and elegant because all that in one is almost impossible.

    1. Thank you, I so agree about heels. I can only wear them to events where I will be sitting a lot. I do love wedges though and I can wear those all day.

  12. Sorry you missed the musical, but I hope you'll have a great time in Milwaukee nonetheless.

    The outfit is very nice, and I think you'll be able to wear the individual pieces many different ways and dress them down to make them work for your casual everyday life. I think the pants are slightly big on you, but not so much that they don't look good. Finally, I prefer the outfit with the heels. The two colored heels look great; too bad that they are not comfortable.

    Have a lovely Easter.

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Thanks Andrea. I should have tried the size small on in the store. Now I'm mad at myself. I just instinctively grabbed the medium cause thats my usual go-to size, and they looked fine in the mirror. I didn't notice till the pictures were taken that they were too big. I'd say "Maybe they'll shrink" but if they do they'll probably shrink up and not shrink in. That's what usually happens to my clothes.

  13. Aw, too bad you missed the muscial, but you look lovely! I like the jacket and the soft colors of your top. Great heels too!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    1. Thank you! Yes, it was a shame we missed it. Everyone said it was the best musical they ever did.

  14. Such a pretty spring top!


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