Friday, May 16, 2014

Fashion Over Fifty: Pajama Pants????

Hello!  For this week's Fashion Over Fifty post I want to discuss a new fashion trend that I absolutely love:  Pajama Pants!  They are called by many other names, like Harem Pants, or Silk Pants, but I like to call them pajama pants.  Why?  Because they are as comfy as silk pajamas!  I bought my pajama pants before our spring vacation because I wanted to be comfortable in long car rides, but dressy at the same time.  In the picture below, you see me wearing my pajama pants with flats, but I normally wear them with heels. I actually had heels on during a church service that morning, but later in the afternoon when we picnicked in a park, I exchanged my heels for flats.   I wish I would have had the foresight to take a picture of the outfit with the heels on for I feel the heels really dress the outfit up so much more, but it's cute with metallic loafers too.
 I bought my pajama pants at Express.  I feel they are a nicer quality than a lot of the cheaper pajama pants you see in more inexpensive stores, and that quality helps to make them look more like dress pants and not pajamas…if you know what I mean.  Mine have a nice cord and gold detailing at the waist.
 My husband and I had a little discussion about 'the messy tuck' look that is all the rage in fashion right now.  I love the messy tuck look:  you know, where you tuck just the front in a little bit, but leave the rest of the shirt hanging out.  He thought either the shirt should be tucked in all the way or left hanging out like it is in the picture below.  Well, because he thought the messy tuck was odd,  I then started to worry that people would think my intentional messy tuck was an accident, so I un-tucked it.  But I don't like it un-tucked, my waistline doesn't show, and I feel the un-tucked shirt looks sloppy and makes me look heavy.  And I don't like it completely tucked in either, because that makes me look heavy too since I'm so thick in my mid section.  I don't know, what do you think:  messy tuck or un-tucked?
 I can't even begin to tell you how comfortable these pants are.  Because there are no zippers or buttons, and they have just a draw string waist, they are not tight at the waist.  The material is very soft and silky, and feels luxurious to wear.  The only problem I had was a bit of static cling, which I resolved with a little  anti static cling spray inside the pants before wearing.  Because I love these pants so much, I bought two pair:  one in solid black and one in this pattern:
 On this day, I wore a metallic t shirt from The Gap, it has such a beautiful shimmer to it, and the metallic really takes what would normally be a plain, comfortable t shirt and dresses it up for a more formal occasion.

For jewelry, I wore a long silver and crystal necklace by Tori Spelling, a black and silver bracelet, and I carried a silver metallic cross body bag.
 I also wore these pants for a ten hour car drive to St. Louis Missouri.  Here I am pictured below wearing the pants with a black tank and a long sleeve sheer white shirt tied at the waist.
 It was Mother's Day the day these pictures were taken.  My wonderful daughter who knows how much I hate eating in restaurants on major holidays like Easter and Mother's Day,  arranged a lovely picnic lunch at a  local park after her church service.  It was a beautiful seventy degree day, and all the spring bulbs were in bloom.  I couldn't have been happier eating anywhere else!
 And since it was Mother's Day, I've decided to include a couple of pics of me and my 'babies'.

 So have I gotten you hooked on pajama pants yet?  If not, here are a few pictures from Pinterest showing other style of silk pants and how to wear them.

I love the idea of wearing a blazer with the pants.  But most of all, I just love the idea that I can dress up, and still be comfortable;  and at my age, comfort is everything!

Have a great day!  Amy


  1. I have seen these type of pants in recent ads, and I didn't think I would be wanting to wear them. Maybe I will try on a pair sometimes as you look great in them. I personally like the un-tucked look better. And I think they looks great with the shoes you are wearing here.
    By the way I didn't realize they were called "pajama pants" I don't really like that term because I am always shocked when I see people wearing actual pajama pants outside. LOL

  2. Oh seems so comfy, yes ! Love your look !
    Superb shots !

  3. You wear them very well and they do look comfortable!


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