Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Hiking Grandad Bluff

The weather has been so beautiful that hubby and I have continued our hiking adventures long past when the leaves have fallen.  We have been finding that the views are even more amazing in late fall because there is no foliage on the trees to obstruct your views.  

This week's hiking trail is Grandad Bluff in LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Grandad Bluff is located on the east side of LaCrosse.  It is 590 feet above the surrounding land and 1183 above sea level.  There is a beautiful look out point that you can drive up and access from a short walk from the parking lot.  There are also many hiking trails all throughout the park and surrounding area.

From the top of Grandad Bluff you get a scenic view of the Mississippi River Valley along with three states:  Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.

The area that I live in is one of the most scenic areas in the state of Wisconsin.  It is called the Driftless Area.  The region escaped the flattening effects of glaciation during the last ice age and is consequently characterized by steep, forested ridges, deeply carved river valleys, and karst geology characterized by spring-fed waterfalls and cold-water trout streams (i.e. Wikipedia).  

There are two look out points at the top of Grandad Bluff, the large one pictured in the third picture above and a smaller one to the side.

After we soaked in the view, we decided to take in some of the trails on top of the bluff.  The first trail we took led us around the side of the bluff.  You can see how the trail is cut into the side of the bluff in all the pictures below.

As much as I enjoy hiking when the fall colors are at their peak, it's also fun hiking once all the leaves have fallen and hear the crunching of leaves under your feet!

The trail eventually led us to the underside of the bluff overlook we were previously standing on.

To our surprise, we discovered that they were in the process of creating a new trail system for both bikers and hikers on Grandad Bluff.  Most of it was completed and useable, but they were still working on it when we were there.  We decided to also explore some of these short trails.  They looked really fun for mountain biking because they created little hills on the trail for extra thrills.  My husband and I started thinking "Hmmm, maybe we need to get mountain bikes and join in on all the fun!"

Although much lower than Grandad Bluff, there were scenic lookouts on this trail too!

A view of Grandad Bluff as seen from below.

After hiking we enjoyed lunch at one of our favorite restaurants in LaCrosse then headed home.  However, the nature viewing wasn't over yet, as we had several wonderful surprises on the way home!

We had a young buck cross right in front of our car.

Then we got to see many Tundra Swans as they stop in the Driftless Region every year around this time on their way south for the winer.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. What beautiful hiking views! We just went out hiking yesterday; our weather has remained pretty mild and I just have to take advantage while I can.

    1. They certainly are! Yes, that is our thinking too; keep getting fresh air and exercise while we can.

  2. Good thing you didn't hit the buck....doesn't he know to look both ways, LOL??!!!
    You two are doing it right...getting out and about in the fresh air, and giving your bodies movement.

    1. Yes, that is a very good thing! And I think getting outside and getting fresh air and exercise is so important right now.

  3. Another wonderful area to explore! These pictures are so beautiful and I too enjoy the sound of fallen leaves when hiking in fall.
    My daughter's best friend from preschool moved to LaCrosse many years ago, sadly we have lost contact with the family.

    1. LaCrosse is a beautiful river city. Lots of great hiking trails surrounding the city, and the downtown is pretty cute too!

  4. Wow, such a beautiful place to hike. So very wonderful.

  5. I've never been to La Crosse, but these photos are so beautiful! It looks like you were able to have a nice time hiking!

  6. What a beautiful day and pleasant hike. The sound of crunching leaves under ones' feet is such a delightful sound that I haven't experienced much yet, as it has been a wet season here. Seeing any type of swan is icing on the cake. Glad you had a lovely time.

    1. It certainly was! And yes, seeing a swan is such a sweet blessing. Thanks for visiting.

  7. Thanks for taking us along on your hike! That impressive views at the top and along the way, too.

    It's great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  8. Great hiking views! This looks like an invigorating hike. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week Amy!

    1. They certainly were great views. We went back a few weeks later to hike a different bluff and had even better views. Post coming soon. Thanks for visiting.


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