Friday, April 19, 2019

Stitch Fix #27 Review

My 27th box from Stitch Fix was a pretty good one.  I really liked everything, but I only LOVED a couple of things.  I almost kept the entire box, so I was completely surprised and perplexed about my Instagram Poll, because those gals didn't seem to be thrilled with anything in my box.  I still loved what I loved, no matter what the pollsters thought, so I kept those items, but everything else I decided to send back since I wasn't 100% sure about them anyway.  So, now I will first share with you the last item in my 27th box, and then you will find out what items I kept along with the results of my Instagram Poll.  

Marilyn Schiff "Delilah Round Crystal Earrings"

Status:  Kept!

I thought these earrings were so pretty!  I loved that they are round drop earrings.  I don't think I own any round earrings.  They also have a pretty sparkle in real life.  They are a good size too.  Below I left my thumb in the picture so you could see the scale.  They are large enough to actually notice with my long hair, but not too large that I feel uncomfortable wearing them.

For whatever reason, they only received a 50/50 vote on Instagram;  although they were the 2nd most popular item in my Fix.  I have no idea why anyone would not like these earrings, because I thought they were beautiful.

Collective Concepts "Rebell Maxi Dress"

Status:  Kept!

Original Post

This dress was my most favorite item in the box.  I loved the color and the style, and as one reader noticed,  I felt confident and beautiful wearing it.  It was definitely a keeper for me!  It was the most popular item on my Instagram Poll coming in at 58% Keep and 42% Return, but I thought those "Keep" Numbers were still pretty low for such a gorgeous dress.  Again, I have no idea what my readers didn't like about this dress, unless they don't like maxi's in general or the color.  Green florals are so in this season!  If you can only buy one new item this summer, buy a green floral dress!

Kut From The Kloth "Benter Mixed Material Top"

Status:  Returned!

Original Post

Ugh!  I really liked this top.  I still wonder if I made a mistake returning it.  It was so comfy and I liked the print.   I think my mind is just looking forward to the spring/summer months, and I really didn't want to add any new long sleeve top in my closet right now.  My Instagram Pollsters didn't like it all.  Only 17% said to Keep it, and 83% said to Return it.  Again, I have no idea why, cause I think it's pretty cute!

Sweet Grey "Rojallio Bell Sleeve Knit Top"

Status:  Returned!
Original Post
This was another cute top that was hard for me to return.  I liked the mustard color and the small white floral, but I didn't like how I could see the white inside of the bell sleeve.  I wish the bell portion of the sleeve was lined.  I also felt that I am getting too many bell sleeve tops in my closet.  I already kept THIS ONE from an earlier box of Stitch Fix that has the exact same cut, but a different pattern.  Also,  for the same reason I returned the Mixed Material Top above, my mind is focused on more summery tops, and I couldn't see wearing this often when the temperatures rise.

My Instagram readers didn't care for this top at all, rating it 18% Keep and 82% Return.

Daniel Rainn "Caleena Pleated Shoulder Crochet Detail Knit Top"

Status:  Returned!

Original Post

This last top I agonized over the most whether to keep it or not.  It was a good summer top, which I was looking for.  It was a very soft knit, and super comfortable to wear.  I really liked the flow of the fabric and the crochet detail.  But in the end, I returned it because I couldn't get past the weird pattern and the patterns also didn't line up properly in the seam line.  In addition, it wasn't the best sleeve style for my arms.  The top did come in at Number 3 on my Instagram Poll with 42% Keep and 58% Return, but it was still kinda low.  Those low poll numbers influenced me to return the top.  I do listen to you gals if I'm on the fence about an item!  I really value your opinion!

In summary, I received three tops, one dress, and one pair of earrings in this Fix.  I kept two items:  the dress and the earrings.  Overall, I really liked everything in this Fix, but I returned the tops because I'm moving on to warm weather clothes and I also had some structural issues with a couple of the tops.

If you've never tried Stitch Fix before, use my REFERRAL CODE to receive $25.00 off your first box!

Have A Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. It was a pretty box, Amy. I think sometimes it's hard to tell by just looking at Instagram photos because I can't believe I voted no on the longsleeve shirt... it really looks beautiful on you! But those earrings were an instant YES from me, so loving them! The dress is beautiful too. While I do love the print on the last shirt, somehow the placement of the lace at the sleeves doesn't look right to me.

    1. Thanks Ellie. Yes, I agree with you about the IG videos. They are very short, and they're selfies, so I think that might affect whether they look good or not and thus affect polling.

  2. Sometimes I think seeing items in a photo is very different than in real life. It's hard to tell how big the earrings are until you put them on. And right now, I'm all about statement earrings for some reason!!
    I'm glad you kept that's spectacular on you!!
    Have a great Easter weekend,

    1. So true Jodie. I like statement earrings and wear them occasionally, but most of the time I prefer smaller earrings.

  3. I absolutely love that green maxi dress: beautiful color on you and nice cut. Not sure what the Instagram killers thought. I actually think all the items were great but I understand your reasoning behind what you chose to keep.

  4. All of these pieces are really cute! I know it's hard to decide what to keep and return but I'm glad you kept that dress! It's so pretty on you!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  5. You look stunning in that green floral summer dress! Glad you kept it!


  6. Very very cute!


  7. It was a pretty box and I'm surprised with some of the poll results too - I completely agree with keeping the dress and earrings too, although I'm sad you sent the mustard top back, it's so pretty! :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely Easter :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Yea, I don't know what was up with the polling this time. Usually it's more positive. I liked the mustard top, I just felt I already had enough bell sleeve tops in my closet. I hope you had a nice Easter too Mica!

  8. Love those earrings and the dress; I tried a subscription box similar to stich fix and found I was consistently keeping all the jewelry (something I did NOT need at all after 2 years as a Lia Sophia demonstrator). LOL

    1. Thank you! That's funny about the jewelry. I do the same thing, I almost always keep the jewelry! Jewelry, handbags, scarves...I feel I can never have too many of those items!


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