Sunday, September 16, 2018

My End Of Summer Garden

This time of year is always so sad to me.  When other people start posting their "I love Fall" posts and dream of cooler weather, football, and pumpkin spice lattes I want to cry.  No, it's not that I don't like fall.  I actually think it's very pretty.  And, like everyone else, I look forward to the cooler temps and no more mosquitoes!  But falling leaves always remind me of falling tears; because  I know that all the flowers will soon be fading away and I will be left with six months of a colorless, barren landscape and lots and lots of snow.  So even though this is the time of year my garden looks it's absolute best, it's always bittersweet for I know it's the beginning of the end.

In my end of summer garden, rudebekia's and annuals steal the show.  A lot of people say their annuals fizzle out this time of the year, but because of Wisconsin's cold temperatures, I would say most of our annuals don't even take off till after the 4th of July, and don't even hint their prime until now.  Don't believe me?  Look at last months garden post and see the difference a month makes!

I'm not one for hanging baskets in plastic pots:  I prefer the moss lined baskets.  But every year I buy these begonia baskets at a home improvement store for around $5.99 because they are perfect for this spot.  This area is hard to reach with a hose and is in the hot sun all day, so a moss basket would dry out to easily.  I rarely water these baskets, maybe once a week if I have the time, and they just bloom profusely from spring to fall.  

My fall Viburnum bush is looking gorgeous as always.  This bush never lets me down.  My husband wants to build a deck in this area overlooking the yard.  I said "Not if it means you have to cut my Viburnum bush down".  He doesn't think he can build around the bush, so it looks like we won't have our new deck.

I spotted this cute little guy hanging out in my pond the other day.

Here's another look at that Viburnum bush looking to the left.  There's also another Viburnum bush with a ball flower in bloom in the distance.

I grew zinnias from seed this year and they grew so tall.  They actually look awkward in the space but the butterflies love them so I left them.  Next year I will look for a lower growing variety.

Every year I plant a gigantic red salvia next to my house's foundation.  They absolutely thrive here!

Years ago I bought a few cleome plants at my nursery, and although they are annuals, they come back every year because they reseed.  I can't recommend this annual flower enough.  It's such a striking, faithful garden plant and it blooms when a lot of other perennials are done for the year.

I also grew 4 O'Clocks from seed this year.  They did very well, but I'm not sure I like this flower as it is only open during certain times of the day.  I decorated my garden a bit for fall already by adding some fall garden stakes and this rusted metal pumpkin.

This is the front path leading up to my house.  The cleome makes a dramatic statement.  I had a fellow gardening friend drop by my house the other day and she was shocked at how much color my yard had and attributed it to the annuals.  I agreed, and said I decided a few years back to keep the front of my yard full of annuals which most visitors see.  The rest of the yard is dedicated to perennials.

Remember in my last post when I talked about my Morning Glory that is out-of-control?  Well, this is it now!  I love the way it looks, but it just won't stop growing nor has it bloomed.  I will not be planting this vine again.

I've been digging up and dividing hosta and astilbe all summer (and I will continue to do so all fall) to the newly renovated shade garden on the left.   Hopefully in a few years, it won't look so empty.

View from the bottom of the yard looking up at the house.

View from inside the shade garden looking at the shed.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Your garden is truly beautiful. And I understand your feeling about fall coming, we have a similar climate here in central/northern Ontario and summer only lasts 3 months. The flowers just begin to look great as night frosts threaten.

    1. Thanks Julie! It's the same here! My annuals finally get full and lush and then a frost comes and kills them all. ugh!

    2. I love your summer garden. Why have a large country garden also so I know the amount of work it involves. Your hanging baskets are beautiful. I also love to grow red salvias. I really enjoyed this post

    3. Thank you! Yes, it definitely is a lot of work. I'm always happy to hear someone else has a large country garden and can relate, especially when it comes to weeds! Country weeds are so much more difficult than city weeds!

  2. This wonderful post is a GARDEN feature on the October You're the STAR blog hop:


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