Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Savannah, Day 4, Part 1, Tybee Island: Fort Pulaski

This is a continuation of a travel series to Savannah, Georgia.  If you'd like to start at the beginning, go HERE.  The rest of the posts in consecutive order are HERE,  HERE,  HEREHERE, HEREHERE, and HERE.

Being country people, after three days in the city of Savannah, my husband and I were ready to get back to nature.  So we hopped in our car, and drove to Tybee Island for the day.  We spent the morning at Fort Pulaski, had lunch at The Crab Shack, went to Tybee Island Beach, and finished the day with dinner at a local VFW post.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  We had dinner at a VFW post...but more on that in a later travel post.

For today's travel post, I am only going to cover Fort Pulaski and I will cover the rest in future travel posts.

  The fort was built on the marshy Cockspur Island near Tybee Island  to guard the river approaches to Savannah.  It was named for Count Casimir Pulaski: the Polish hero of the American Revolution who died during the unsuccessful siege of Savannah in 1779.  

My husband and I have visited a lot of forts in our travels, and this one was perhaps the most well-preserved and impressive fort we have ever seen.  We were really surprised to see the moat was actually filled with water.  Many forts have remnants of a moat or a moat in their description, but not a moat fully intact.  It was really nice not to have to imagine a moat around the fort, and to be able to actually see it.  I also read that alligators will sometimes be seen in the moat when water levels drop elsewhere on the island, but we did not see any this day.

Construction on the fort began in 1829 and cost $1 million dollars, 25 million bricks, and 18 years to finish.  Many people considered it invincible and "as strong as the Rocky Mountains".  But that proved not to be the case, as the fort was conquered by the North in 1862.

They do have a Visitor's Center where you can watch a video of the fort's history and also read displays and educate yourself before entering the fort.  We did this, and it really enhanced our visit to the fort.

We spent all morning at the fort.  There was so much to see.  We loved exploring the underground areas which held their guns and powder magazines during the Civil War.

The fort was surrounded by walls and water on all sides and inside was a grassy courtyard.  You could walk inside the walls, and on the grassy grounds, and you could also walk on top of the fort walls and around the moat.

There were a few rooms reconstructed and set up as an example of what an officer's quarters might have looked like.  Not bad, eh?

There were so many cannons at this Fort!  I've never seen so many cannons in one place before.

A room which housed gunpowder.

Like most forts,  Fort Pulaski was also used as a prison for both Confederate officers during the war and political prisoners after the war.

Guard quarters;  not quite as nice as the officer quarters, eh?

A view of the interior of the fort as seen from the top of the wall.

There were cannons on top of the wall too.

You could see the waterways from the top of the fort.

Winding staircase going from top of fort down to lower level.

Top of fort wall.

Moat as seen from top of fort wall.  The earthen mound is where the powder magazines and guns were held.

The fort was lost to the North in 1862 when ten new experimental rifled cannons fired from the northwest shore of Tybee Island and shattered Pulaski's walls. You can still see the damage from the cannons in the walls today.

The island was made a national monument in 1924.  Restoration of the fort began in 1933.   Today the fort serves as both a memorial and an educational experience in American history.

Fort Pulaski is open seven days a week from 9:00 to 5:00 and it costs $7.00 per person (over 16 years) to enter.

Next week, I'll share the fun we had at The Crab Shack!  I'll give you a little hint:  I made some furry friends!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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  1. What a cool place! I read about Tybee Island in a book, so going to visit one day!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

    1. We enjoyed it very much. It was one of our happiest days in the Savannah area.

  2. I have wanted to go to Tybee Island too. Lady, this sounds like a dream cool!

    1. We really liked it. Very quiet and quaint. So pretty too!

  3. What an amazing tour, I cant even imagine what it was like being a soldier then. I would think it would feel like being stranded on an island.
    Thank you for sharing on #omhgww weekly linkup
    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you. I know, they lived such harder lives back then. The soldiers held as prisoners after the war really suffered and many died.

  4. Historical places are always so interesting to visit while on vacation! Great photos!

    1. Yes they are! A huge part of traveling for us is to learn more about the area we're exploring.

  5. This looks like such a great place to visit! This is definitely going on my travel wish-list!

  6. Wow, what a cool historical site! And very educational! That was cool to see the walls after the cannon destruction. I think my boys would enjoy going to a place like this. Thanks for the recap!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. Yes, we liked that you could see where the cannon balls hit too!

  7. I get so amazed whenever I see the construction of forts. It's incredible! And this fort looks awesome to visit!

  8. I am loving these shots, lady- what a fun trip!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. I always enjoy visiting forts. We were just in Charleston and my husband was going to go see one there (I was at the blogging conference), but he ran out of time. He went and saw a battleship and submarine, though. You are right, this one really has been preserved nicely and is so beautiful! Love your dress and hat, you look beautiful!


  10. Oh wow, I've never been anywhere like that before. I've always wanted to visit the south, so it's been fun living vicariously through your travel recap posts :)

    1. I hope you can visit the south someday, it's so beautiful and full of history.

  11. An amazing place, Amy! Certainly worth visiting with lots to see and learn.
    Thanks for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme!


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