Monday, February 27, 2017

What I Wore To A Conservatory

 I am back from a wonderful week of visiting my children who live in the Chicago area.  We had a jam-packed action-filled week of activities that I am so excited to share with you on my Wednesday Travel Posts.  One of the things we did was visit the Garfield Park Conservatory.  Visiting a Conservatory during the winter months is such a rejuvenating experience.  It's the most wonderful feeling in the world to experience warmth and flowers in the middle of winter.

On this winter day however, it was fairly nice out.  We mid-westerners experienced a touch of spring last week with rare fifty to seventy degree days.  But, it didn't last long.  Our week of spring ended with a major blizzard and back to twenty degree temperatures.   The day I went to the conservatory it was cloudy and the temperatures were in the fifties or low sixties when the sun came out.

This is a dress I've shown you twice before.  The first time I styled it for spring HERE, and the second time I styled it for fall HERE.  This is one of my favorite dresses because the color can be worn in the colder months and it has a shorter length and short sleeves so I can wear it during the warmer months as well.  Thus I get a lot of use of it!  Plus, it's a shift dress so it's super comfy!

 I wore my shift dress with a black cardigan that could be easily removed if I got too warm.  I debated between a scarf or jewelry and I finally decided on a black and gold multi-strand necklace because I thought I might get too warm with a scarf and a sweater.   I ended up regretting that decision because we went to the zoo in the afternoon and I was a little chilled.  I should have taken the scarf with me and tied it to my bag if I didn't need it.  Live and learn.

I wore black and gold bracelets on my wrists.   I carried a cross body bag like I normally do when I travel.

My cardigan hangs lower in the back than it does in the front.

For footwear I chose simple black pointed toe flats with a velvet bow.

After the conservatory we visited the Lincoln Park Zoo where I was able to take this picture with the Chicago skyline behind me.  It was so nice to be able to take fashion photos with a fun, unique background again instead of on my porch.  I took fashion photos everyday and now have five days worth of posts!  Yeah!  No more dressing up on weekends for awhile just to take pictures!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Welcome back! Visiting a conservatory in winter sounds wonderful! We were treated to some warm days here too, and luckily we only had a few flurries afterwards.
    Love the dress!

    1. Thanks Elli! Yes, you were lucky in Illinois. You only got rain and light flurries...we got all the snow!

  2. This looks beautiful! What I wouldn't give for some heat right now. And the flowers really must add to the feel.I think you styled yourself perfect for this day Amy.
    Just a gentle reminder of the link up each Thursday. Would love to have you there x

    1. Thank you! Yes, conservatory are wonderful in winter! I loved it! See you Thursday!

  3. Sometimes the hardest thing is trying to plan what to wear when you are doing more than one activity! It's almost like you need a change of clothing for the day, right? Especially because the conservatory is inside, right? And if it's anything like ours--it's heated & humidified!!
    But I love that you wore a dress and not jeans, Amy!! It's so nice to meet other women who like to get a little dressed up nowadays!

    1. Thank you, that's so true! I found myself taking the sweater on and off at the Conservatory depending on what building we were in, and then when I was outside, I was cold. :) As far as your "dress and not jeans" comment it wasn't jeans I saw a lot of women wearing this day, it was leggings as pants with sneakers. I swear, every single woman I saw was wearing them. I feel like that is something I wear at home or to exercise, if I don't dress up when I go out, when will I ever dress up?

  4. That's a very nice dress! I can see that you would get a lot of wear out of it. It looks great with the cardigan and the necklace. And, yes, tying a scarf to your bag is a great idea! A scarf can add so much warmth...

    The conservatory is beautiful! Sounds like you had a nice visit with your children!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Thanks Andrea! The dress is a old faithful stand-by for me!

  5. So glad you had a nice time visiting your children. Love this pretty dress on you!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. I agree - a great dress like this is always in style. Love the way you accessorized too. xox


  7. Such a pretty outfit!! Loving the red on you. The conservatory looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing at On Mondays We Link-Up :)

    Trendy & Tidy

  8. Such a cute dress! I love that color on you!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  9. Love it when you can stay on top of outfit photos! It's hard in the winter when the sun goes down so early though. You look adorable and I love the pretty flowers in the background too! It's fun to have different backgrounds for photos!

  10. I just love days in the winter when it gets warm and we can pretend it is Spring!!
    Love this look, such a pretty dress, and I love your flats.

    xx, Elise

  11. Such lovely pictures, Amy! I know you had the best time visiting your children. I really like how you styled your shift dress. You are right, they are such versatile pieces, and the color of yours is fantastic. Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

  12. The Garfield Conservatory is always so pretty! This is such a cute outfit! Love the red on you!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Thanks Jill! I didn't know you've been there before. Do you live in Illinois?

  13. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Cute outfit! Great photos!

  14. Love the burgundy and black on you, and what a pretty Conservatory, looks like a great day out!
    thanks for linking with turning heads tuesday
    jess xx


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