Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yellow and White in the Garden

This has the been the warmest and most beautiful spring we've had in Wisconsin in many years.  With the exception of being too dry, the weather has been absolutely perfect.  I am able to sit outside on my porch as I write this post because it is 78 degrees.  Yesterday we were able to grill and dine outside until after 8:00 p.m.  This early summer weather is just not something were are use to in my state, so we are all really enjoying it and are extremely appreciative.

 I have noticed a decline in daffodil blooms the past few years, which is a signal that it is time for me to dig up and divide.  I will do that once the flowers fade, and the stems start to wilt.  But here are a few of the lovelies to share nonetheless:

 All the perennials have emerged and poked their heads through the soil by now.  In a few months, the gardens will be so lush and full you won't even be able to see the ground.
 I don't have many tulips left either, and will probably need to invest in some new bulbs this fall as well.  I have a few pink ones scattered about my garden, but I will show those next week, as I wanted to stick with yellow and white blooms today.

 And finally, my white bleeding heart.  This is actually a plant that reseeded from another plant.

It won't be long before all my flowering crabs and lilacs are in bloom and the garden will smell like heaven.  I can't wait!

Have a great day!  Amy


  1. We've had gorgeous weather here too, supposed to rain today, but it's still beautiful. Love all those gorgeous daffodils, such a bright and cheerful yellow! I have never seen white bleeding hearts! Only pink ones :-) They must be a rarer variety.

  2. Beautiful! Being next door (MN) I'm enjoying the warm spring too. Many of my bulbs were enjoyed by the rabbits, but the tulips that are in the raised beds did okay.

  3. Beautiful! I haven't started planting yet. You inspire me!


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