Friday, September 2, 2011

The Late Summer Garden 'Black Eyed Susans, Phlox, and Goldenrod'

Hello! As most of my readers already know, I've been posting pictures of my garden as it changes through the garden season. Here are previous posts of pictures of my garden in Midsummer, Early Summer, Late Spring, Mid Spring, and Early Spring. Today's post is all about the Late Summer Garden: Summer's Last Hurrah. This is always such a sad time of year for me as I reflect on the ever so short summer season, and start dreading the cold, winter months ahead. I try so hard not to get depressed about it, but I always do. I just detest winter and anything associated with it. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so darn long, but here in Wisconsin we barely have 3 months of warmth, and then we have 9 months of cold. Ugh! Anyway, enough depressing talk, onto the beauty of the Late Summer Garden.

My husband was replacing the third story windows of our house, so I jumped at the opportunity of getting an Aeriel view of our yard without a pane of glass interfering. Here is a shot of of my yard from my bedroom window. What a view to wake up to every morning!

As you can see, Yellow is the color most predominant this time of year. That is from all the Black Eyed Susans taking over the show and the Golden Rod. The white is a large Hydrangea Bush, and the purple is what is left of the Phlox, which actually peaked a few weeks ago.

This is a view of my yard from the road. The ornamental grass is also in full peak right now. It's a must have for the Late Summer/Early Fall Garden.

Here's a close up of the Black Eyed Susans. If you don't have this flower already in your garden, you better run to your garden center and pick some up. Nothing beats this plant in long-bloom time, hardiness, and it's ability to grow fast and spread without becoming too invasive.

Here's a close up of my garden shed. You can see the Sedum Autumn Joy in front just beginning to bloom. It'll be in full bloom in a few weeks.

A side view of my main garden.

Another side view taken as the sun was just starting to set.

Here's a close up of another one of my favorite Late Summer Bloomers: Goldenrod! It reseeds everywhere in my garden and I let it! It's considered a weed by some, but a beautiful flower to me!

And finally, I debated showing you this photo since I couldn't get a good picture of it, but this is a very tall perennial, over 6 feet tall. It's a must have in a large garden. It's just hard to photograph since it is so tall. The blooms last forever, and it looks great in the winter too. The blooms start pink, and then turn eventually to rust for fall. It also looks great in dried arrangements as well.

I hope you enjoyed seeing pictures of my Late Summer Garden. Such a sad, sad time of year for me, yet it's nice seeing my garden go out with a bang!

Have a great day! Amy


  1. Amy your garden is amazing - you must spend hours and hours out there.
    Thank you for sharing it.

  2. I've honestly never seen a nicer garden than yours...except maybe in a very well maintained public park! As far as private land goes - you're the queen of gardening in my book.

  3. Amazing garden Amy, truly beautiful. What a wonderful place you have.

  4. Amy, you are surrounded by a paradise of your own making! What pleasure you must get everymorning looking out at such splendor. Beautiful photographs and I love that your shed looks like a doll house. WOW! I am green with envy.

  5. Oh Amy your yard & garden is just too lovely and makes me homesick. We spent about 30 years in the Midwest. How I miss those lovely blooms (but not the weather) Thanks for sharing

  6. Wow Amy, this is incredibly beauitful. I'm so envious. I want a place just like yours!! I'm sure a lot of work, but what a payoff. You should be so proud! Melissa


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