Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Using Images for a Different Purpose

Well, I think I have my first cold in a year and half. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Right now its just a slight sore throat with the sniffles. I'm downing the Vitamins, Hot Tea, and 'Air Borne' to keep it from progressing any further. I cannot afford to be sick right now with my busy schedule!

Today I want to show you a Valentine I made that uses a non-Valentine image. This image is a Digital Image from Angel's Landing. In the original image, the bear holds a balloon, but I replaced the balloon with a heart die cut so I could use it for Valentine's Day. Using images for a Different Purpose from which they were originally intended for is a great way to save money. You don't have to buy those holiday stamps that you only use once a year! But, I'm sure the stamp companies don't want to hear that! LOL!
Well, I'm off to drink another cup of hot tea with lemon and honey! Hope your having a better day than I am! Amy


  1. AWWW Amy this is soooo cute!!!!! What a darling card this is!!! ADORABLE IMAGE!!!

  2. Awwwwwww, I just ADORE that koala from Angels Landing and how PERFECT to make the balloon a heart! I love it!

  3. OMG Amy - this is just so darling! I love it! Great use of that adorable bear! Sure hope you feel better - those colds are just no fun at all...

  4. This is amazing. Love how you got more bang for your buck too.

  5. Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit under the weather....your card is just so adorable...your cold doesn't
    show at all! : )

  6. Soooooo adorable! Feel better soon my friend ... you probably aren't getting enough rest with the schedule you keep! Please try to get extra rest ... that always helps!

  7. Very cute and good idea.

    When I'm thinking about a stamp or set, I too think about how many different types of occasions I could use it for to get the most bang for my buck.


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