Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Creative Mess

Hello!  I have been noticing a lot of crafty blogger's posting pictures of their crafting spaces so I thought I'd join in on the fun.  I'm lucky because I have a very large space in my house which is totally dedicated solely to crafting.  If you would like to see pictures of this room in PRISTINE condition and also in greater detail I invite you to read THIS POST.  But if you'd like to see what this room looks like on a regular day, here you go:
 What a mess, eh?  But this is exactly why I have a room dedicated solely for the purpose of crafting.  I am always on the go, so I needed a space where  I can be in the middle of a project and just walk away from it, and come back to it later rather than having to clean it up.  My desk is actually designed to help conceal the mess from the rest of the house.  It has a taller wall on the outside that faces the sun room so that the mess is concealed from that viewpoint.
Although I consider myself a fairly organized and neat person, when I am in the middle of a project I am quite messy.  I do try and clean up in-between projects, because if I don't, the mess can very easily overtake the room.

What about you?  Do you have a crafting space?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a great day!  Amy


  1. Amy, you've got such an amazing and huge craft room! WOW! I just love that large table in the middle with the shelving above your work space...really great idea! Mine is not as big a room as yours and it's still not put together right since I've moved in because I feel like I'm still creating from it will take a while to get there! I hope soon!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wowzers...I'd forgotten how big your room is! Thanks for sharing your creative space! Hugs...

  3. Wow ! what a fab scraproom ! Superb, love that !

  4. What a wonderfully large crafting room you have, I am using a spare bedroom (without the bed), for my crafting.


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