Tuesday, February 26, 2019

More Bible Journaling Pages

Last month, I shared that I started Bible Journaling.  If you missed that post, or would like to know more about Bible Journaling, you can see it HERE.  This month, I want to share a few more pages of my Bible Journal pages.

I'm still learning and making mistakes (glad I only spent $20.00 for my first bible journal) hopefully when I'm done with this bible, I'll know what I am doing and what art mediums work best for me, and I won't make quite so many mistakes.

Here are a few images I simply had to color in.  The first one I used gelatos for the background and gel pens to color it in.  When the design is very intricate like this, I feel gel pens work best.  It's hard to get the detail with colored pencils or markers.

On this second page, I also used gelatos for the background and gel pens for the detail.  The blue bracket was created with a stamp.  I wanted to highlight the actual paragraph in the bible where this verse came from.

And this pen was done with all gel pens.  I really like working with the glitter or metallic gel pens for objects like shields or to highlight special words like "I" or "Reward".

These are my favorite images to color in the Inspire Bible.  I love how fun and whimsical it is.  I used fun, florescent colors to complement the fun image.

I'm still learning how to do my own pages, and not just color in images already provided for me.  The following pages I created myself and I'm actually quite pleased with how they turned out.  On this page what stuck out at me was the angel instructing Lot and his wife not to look back when fleeing their sinful city.  It made me wonder how often I may have looked back at my previous life before I came to know Jesus as my personal savior.  God always wants us to press forward and not look back on our sinful past.

I also noticed the warning signs God gives in this chapter, and I wrote them on the bottom of the page in red and I added a traffic warning sign.  I hand drew the flames with colored pencils and added eyes to the "o's" in "Look" for emphasis.  The other flames you see our washi tape.  Finally, I added some arrows to the instructions and consequences of  "Looking Back" in the Bible.


My next page I absolutely love.  I was completely struck with how God keeps His promises and decided to highlight all the ways God is with us and what He does for us.  I first created a striped background using gelatos.  Then I hand drew the sentiments and hearts.  I wrote all the ways God is with us in the hearts.

I also highlighted and underlined all these examples in the actual text.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. These looks great Amy! I love how you used the gelatos in the background and gel pens for the smaller parts. Your own drawing and lettering looks wonderful!

  2. Thank you, thank you, for the directions on how you did this. Going to try doing the backgrounds with gelatos like you did. I assume you apply that first? Then color the rest in with marker? I have tried to create my own journaling on one or two pages but always worry, like with everything else, that I will mess up. Love that you share your crafts and Bible work. You inspire me to keep trying!!

    1. You can do the backgrounds first with gelatos, but you have to give them time to dry. I usually just try to color around the images with the gelatos, but it can be tricky. I have a little pointy sponge I use to draw the color into tight spaces.

  3. These look great! I love the lettering and the different textures you've created. Great job! And thank you for sharing at Sweet Inspiration!


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